Monday, June 20

How to retrieve the List of Profile Attributes available in a Session ?

Sometimes we have a requirement of retrieving the value of Profile Attributes set in a Siebel User's session. However we are not sure of the exact name of that Attribute. To retrieve a list of available Profile Attribute in a user's session, follow the below process:

Navigate to Administration - Personalization - Test. Enter your login and password (both Case Sensitive) and click on the load button. This will give you a list of all system profile attributes that get set upon logging in to the Siebel Application. These profile attributes are available throughout the application. In addition, you can also set your own profile attributes, depending on the business requirements.
As always, use the following syntax to get and set a Profile Attribute:

TheApplication().SetProfileAttr("XXXX","Y");  // Where XXXX is the name of Profile Attribute

var attr = TheApplication().GetProfileAttr("XXXX");  // Where XXXX is the name of Profile Attribute


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