Wednesday, June 22

Drilldown: Setting focus on parent applet

How to set focus on Applets:

As per Siebel vanilla if we click on any hyper link (Drill down) field then it will navigates to another view but after navigates to that view the focus always on child applets instead of “Parent Applet”.

Set the following properties :

Tools Level Changes:

1)    View Level we have “Default Applet Focus” property. Set “Applet name” for this property.

2)    View User Property (Child object of View):
Name :DefaultAppletFocus
Value : “Applet Name” 

After setting above properties also if focus still remains on child applet then we have to verify the following parameters.

Verify cfg file Parameter

3)    In cfg file we have “EnableSIFocusTracking” property; this property should have value as “TRUE”.

Application Side Changes:
4)    Application – Server Configuration – Enterprises:
·    Query with your “Enterprise Server” name and Query with “ObjMgrName” in “Component Definitions”
·    We have “Component Parameters” under “Component Definitions”, Query with “Enable SIFocusTracking” parameter.
·    Set “Enable SIFocusTracking” parameter to “True”.


Anonymous said...

Excellent !!
It helped me to keep focus on parent Service request form applet, Instead of Activities applet.


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