Friday, April 13

How to change the font,size,color of the field / control caption

Hi All,Sometimes we need to change the properties of siebel applet controls and below is the solution


For the field for which we have to change the Font / Size / Color set the following HTML tags in the caption [string override] of the field properties.

1. "label style"
2. "span style"
3. "font face" & "color"
4. <b> & </b> to bold the text
5. font onmouseover & onmouseout
6. <br/> for line break in case of long captions


<label style="background-color:red">fieldname</label>
<span style="background-color: red">fieldname</span>
<font face="fontname" size=26 color=yellow>fieldname</font>
<font onmouseover="style.color='green'" onmouseout="style.color='red'">fieldname or controlname</font>
field<br/>name<br/>is too long


Unknown said...

Hi ,

This is Sekhar, have experience in Siebel CRM for 6 years...
i would like to give SIebel CRM And SIEBEL EAI Training and tech support.
if you need any help please contact me @

Siebel Sekhar

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