Wednesday, February 23

How to get user list associated for a siebel View

There are some requirements where you need to know who are all the users assigned to a particular siebel View,you can get the user list by running below query on the database.

usid.per_fst_name || ' ' || usid.per_last_name "Users"
FROM siebel.s_resp resp,
siebel.s_app_view vi,
siebel.s_app_view_resp inter,
siebel.s_per_resp usid
WHERE vi.row_id = inter.view_id
AND resp.row_id = inter.resp_id
AND = 'Contact List View'
AND usid.resp_id = resp.row_id

In the above query I have queried for 'Contact List View',Just replace it with your view to get list of users associated to it.
Hope this helps...


Anonymous said...

Do you know if this list of users could be shown by user id and not by name and last name?

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