Wednesday, February 23

How to get user list associated for a siebel View

There are some requirements where you need to know who are all the users assigned to a particular siebel View,you can get the user list by running below query on the database.

usid.per_fst_name || ' ' || usid.per_last_name "Users"
FROM siebel.s_resp resp,
siebel.s_app_view vi,
siebel.s_app_view_resp inter,
siebel.s_per_resp usid
WHERE vi.row_id = inter.view_id
AND resp.row_id = inter.resp_id
AND = 'Contact List View'
AND usid.resp_id = resp.row_id

In the above query I have queried for 'Contact List View',Just replace it with your view to get list of users associated to it.
Hope this helps...

ERROR in Local DB Initialization

Issue: Local DB Initialization erroring out.

Error Message:

DBCLog DBCLogError 1 000000024d621250:0 2011-02-21 09:36:28 [Sybase][ODBC Driver][Adaptive Server Anywhere]Procedure 'exrate' not foundUpgradeLog UpgradeError 1 000000024d621250:0 2011-02-21 09:36:28 [Siebel Database][ODBC Driver][Adaptive Server Anywhere]Procedure 'exrate' not foundUpgradeLog UpgradeError 1 000000024d621250:0 2011-02-21 09:36:31 Unable to read row 1 from export file (cbVal (8) /SSCHAR_SIZE + 1 > bufSize (2)).UpgradeLog UpgradeError 1 000000024d621250:0 2011-02-21 09:36:31 Unable to import table "S_REPOSITORY" (UTLDataRowRead).UpgradeLog UpgradeError 1 000000024d621250:0 2011-02-21 09:36:31 Unable to process data file dicrepos.dat.UpgradeLog UpgradeError 1 000000024d621250:0 2011-02-21 09:36:31 Import DML action failed.UpgradeLog UpgradeError 1 000000024d621250:0 2011-02-21 09:36:32 Error executing action ().


The jobs "Generate New Database" and "Database Extract" ran successfully without any issues. However when the user tried to Initialize Local using Tools it ran fine till "Initializing User Accounts" and errored out with above error.

To resolve this issue create the following entries in registry of System DSN created on Siebel Application Server and the local client.

Tuesday, February 22

Making a field required using script at the applet level

Making a field required using script at the applet level 

Requirement : Making 'Contact Method' field required in an applet which is not 'required' field in the buscomp

Solution: I used the below script at applet level to make the 'Contact Method' required.The code is pretty simple as shown here.

if ( MethodName == "WriteRecord" )
    if(this.BusComp().GetFieldValue("Contact Method") == "")
    TheApplication().RaiseErrorText("Contact Method is a required field please enter a value");
     return( CancelOperation );

Readers,please let me know the other possibilities of making field required at applet level with out using script

Oracle BI

Oracle BI Answers :

To add a filter for a column that is not included in request, press and hold down the CTRL key at the Criteria tab and click the column name in the selection pane.

Monday, February 21

Configuring Nonprimary Manager Visibility without scripting

The 'Manager List Mode' user property is useful to configure the nonprimary manager visibility. This user property makes a business component that uses team access control  to allow the user to see data for all subordinate positions, regardless of whether they are the primary position for a record.

Name : Manager List Mode
Value : Team

Friday, February 18

Enabling and Disabling Siebel Message Broadcasting

By default, message broadcasting is enabled. As an administrator, you can enable or disable message broadcasting. You can set message broadcasting to operate in any of the following modes:
  • Always enabled
  • Always disabled
  • User enabled (default)
You can also enable or disable message broadcasting in Siebel Mobile and Developer Web Clients.
The message bar is also supported for standard interactivity application clients, and you can display the message bar in standard interactivity client applications.

To enable or disable message broadcasting for an application

Creating a Message Broadcast in Siebel

When you create a message broadcast, all connected users that you specify receive the message immediately upon the date and time you have specified that the message be activated. Mobile users, such as field representatives, receive the activated messages when they synchronize.

NOTE:  To send a message broadcast, you must have responsibilities that include access to the Message Broadcasts view.
Typically, the appearance of a message broadcast is designated by a single severity level, as specified in the Severity field. Each severity level is associated with a different color. The severity level that you choose determines the color of the message broadcast and how it is delivered.
In addition to using the Severity field to determine the appearance of a message, you can also combine multiple severity levels to create a message broadcast with unique formatting. By adding special tags to the text of a message broadcast, you can change the color of different sections of the message. The following tags are used to combine severity levels in a message:
  • [N] for Normal
  • [H] for High
  • [U] for Urgent

Siebel Application in 64bit WIN Server

Requirement: There was one situation in which I have been provided with one 64x Enterprise WIN 2003 R2 Server.

As known Siebel application does not support 64bit server, it supports 32bit.
So when I installed the Web Server Extension in this 64bit server it was not working everything was ok and there were no logs generating as well.
After some efforts I found out a way by which siebel application can run in 64bit WIN server, Please find the steps below which will help to run the siebel applications in 64bit Enterprise WIN Servers -

2003 R2 64x Enterprise.

ASP.NET 2.0, 32-bit version
To run the 32-bit version of ASP.NET 2.0, follow these steps:
Click Start, click Run, type cmd, and then click OK.
cscript %SYSTEMDRIVE%\inetpub\adminscripts\adsutil.vbs SET W3SVC/AppPools/Enable32bitAppOnWin64 1
Type the following command to enable the 32-bit mode:
%SYSTEMROOT%\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727\aspnet_regiis.exe -i
Type the following command to install the version of ASP.NET 2.0 (32-bit) and to install the script maps at the IIS root and under:
Make sure that the status of ASP.NET version 2.0.50727 (32-bit) is set to Allowed in the Web service extension list in Internet Information Services Manager.
After all the 4 steps execution, please restart the machine and observe the Siebel application working in the server.

For 64bit Siebel Application does not load and hence the normal installations will not work even the logs will not be generated properly.
So the solution is to downgrade the ASP.NET to 32bit the process is below :

Wednesday, February 16

On Field Update Invoke n

On Field Update Invoke n

This user property allows you to invoke the specified business component method when a field is updated.
The value of the On Field Update Invoke user property consists of three quoted parameters (double quotation marks) separated by a comma and a space, as follows:
"[FieldToCheck]", "[BusCompName]", "[MethodName]"
[MethodName] is invoked on the [BusCompName] business component when [FieldToCheck] is updated. If [FieldToCheck] is not defined, the method is invoked when the user saves the record.
You can optionally use a fourth parameter that defines a condition. If you define a condition, the method is only invoked if the condition evaluates to TRUE.
You can create additional instances of this user property as needed. If you have more than one instance of this user property for a business component, they are executed sequentially by number (for example, On Field Update Invoke 1, then On Field Update Invoke 2, and so on). If there is only one such user property, then no number is required.
For example, the Asset Mgmt - Asset (Order Mgmt) business component has four such user properties:

PDQDisabledView n

PDQDisabledView n

The PDQDisabledViewn user property allows you to disable the Predefined Query (PDQ) dropdown for the view name defined for the property.
When this property is added for a particular view, the PDQs in the dropdown are not applied when the view loads. Users can still choose the PDQs in the dropdown and the PDQs are applied, but no predefined query is automatically applied when the view loads.
NOTE:  As of release 8.0, you no longer set this property in the application .cfg file; instead, you set it as an application user property in Siebel Tools.
Name of the view for which you want to disable the Predefined Query (PDQ) dropdown.
Some of the predefined property values include:

OverrideViewCache n

OverrideViewCache n

The OverrideViewCachen user property allows you to disable caching for a particular view. For example, you might want to disable caching when you are making a dynamic change to the view, such as changing a parameter or invoking a toggle applet.
NOTE:  As of release 8.0, you no longer set this property in the application .cfg file; instead, you set it as an application user property in Siebel Tools.
where n is a sequential number between 0 and 99.
This user property is used to disable the cache for a view. See the procedure below for instructions on how to do this.
Parent Object Type
Functional Area
User Interface
Use the following procedure to disable the cache for a view.
To disable the cache for a view
  1. Launch Siebel Tools.
  2. In the Object Explorer, select Application, and then query for the application name in which the view appears that you want to disable the cache.
  3. In the Object Explorer, select Application User Prop.
  4. Create a new application user property using the following as a guideline:
    • Name is OverrideViewCache0
      NOTE:  To disable the cache for more views, use OverrideViewCache1, OverrideViewCache2, and so on.)
    • Value is the name of the view for which you want to disable the cache.
  5. Compile the changes.
  6. Launch the application with the compiled SRF.

ClientBusinessService n

ClientBusinessService n

The ClientBusinessServicen user property allows you to call business services from a browser script.
NOTE:  As of release 8.0, you no longer set this property in the application .cfg file; instead, you set it as an application user property in Siebel Tools.
The number n must be a sequential number, with no gaps in numbering. If a number is skipped, the service cannot be called from a browser script. If a browser script attempts to use this user property to call a business service that is not listed, the following runtime error occurs:
Cannot get service: <name of service>.(SBL-UIF-00275)
Name of the business service called from a browser script.
Some of the predefined property values include:
  • ClientBusinessService0 = Message Bar
  • ClientBusinessService1 = Communications Client
  • ClientBusinessService2 = ContentBase - Asset Publish Service
  • ClientBusinessService3 = ContentBase - Asset Version Publish
  • ClientBusinessService4 = Workflow Process Manager
  • ClientBusinessService5 = Task Assistant UI Service
  • ClientBusinessService6 = Asset Preview Publish Service
  • ClientBusinessService7 = PrintListService
  • ClientBusinessService8 = Task UI Service (SWE)
  • ClientBusinessService9 = Training Queue
This user property is for use only with Siebel Browser Script.
Parent Object Type
Functional Area
Business Service

CanInvokeMethod: MethodName

CanInvokeMethod: MethodName

This user property allows you to enable and disable methods, or buttons by disabling the methods the buttons invoke, declaratively at the applet level. It is easier to use than PreCanInvokeMethod scripting and in many cases can be used instead.
CanInvokeMethod: MethodName
Value or expression that returns TRUE or FALSE or the literal values TRUE or FALSE
This user property is used to enable and disable methods declaratively. When the value is TRUE or the expression returns TRUE, then the method is enabled, otherwise it is disabled.
For example, Copy Record on the Partner Product List Applet is disabled by default:
  • Name: CanInvokeMethod: CopyRecord
  • Value: FALSE
Consider also the following example of using an expression for the value on the SIS Account List Applet where you want to enable the copy record feature for accounts that have a status, but disable this feature for all other accounts:
  • Name: CanInvokeMethod: CopyRecord
  • Value: [Account Status] IS NOT NULL
You can inactivate or modify the value for this user property. You can also create new instances of this user property as needed.
Parent Object Type
Functional Area
CSSFrame, CSSFrameList, and their subclasses

Tuesday, February 15

Configuring a Spell Check Button on an Applet

Configuring a Spell Check Button on an Applet

A user can call Siebel Spell Check from an applet menu item. To configure this applet menu item, you create a Check Spelling Field user property for the applet that contains the following objects:
  • Check Spelling button
  • Field on which Siebel CRM performs the spell check
To configure a spell check button
  1. In Siebel Tools, display the following object types:
  2. Create a check spelling button in the applet that contains the field on which Siebel CRM must perform the spell check:
    1. In Siebel Tools, in the Object Explorer, click Applet.
    2. In the Applets list, locate the applet you must modify.
    3. In the Object Explorer, expand the Applet tree, and then click Control.
    4. In the Controls list, add a new record using values from the following table.

Monday, February 14


FieldDependency: This Integration Field user property is used in case of hierarchical picklists, if you try to insert the child picklist first than the parent picklist it will throw an error message, to manage it use FieldDependencyFieldName user property

The names of these user properties must start with FieldDependency, and the value of each property should contain the name of the field that the associated field is dependent on.

Syntax :

UserProperty :
Value: name of the field that the associated field is dependent on

Ex: Field Name : State
FieldDependency  Value: Country

No Clear Field n

No Clear Field n
This user property disallows setting a field’s value to NULL.

Value: The value of this user property must be the name of a field in the business component, not enclosed in quotes.

Usage: This property can be specified with or without the numeric suffix. You should append the numeric suffix to differentiate between multiple instances on a business component. For example, add No Clear Field 1 and No Clear Field 2 user properties to a business component to specify two different fields whose values cannot be set to NULL.

You can inactivate or modify the values for this user property. You can also create new instances of this user property as needed.
Parent Object Type: Business Component
Functional Area: Various

No Change Field n

No Change Field n
This user property disallows changing a field’s value after the record is committed.

Value: The value of this user property must be the name of a field in the business component, not enclosed in quotes.

Usage: This property can be specified with or without the numeric suffix. You should append the numeric suffix to differentiate between multiple instances on a business component. For example, add No Change Field 1 and No Change Field 2 user properties to a business component to specify two different fields which cannot be changed after a record is committed.

You can inactivate or modify the values for this user property. You can also create new instances of this user property as needed.
Parent Object Type: Business Component
Functional Area : Various

Activating a customized button without using script

Precede the Method Invoked name with “EventMethod” in the control.

For example a button with Method Invoked = “Click” should actually have Method Invoked = “EventMethodClick” to get itself activated on the applet without using any script in the “WebApplet_PreCanInvokeMethod”.

Pop up different applets from the same control based on condition

Steps to configure:

1. The Control should be created with the following details:
Method Invoked: ShowPopup
HTML Type: MiniButton

2. The control should be added to the Applet Web Layout.

3. In WebApplet_PreCanInvokeMethod of the Applet Server Script, CanInvoke should be set to 'TRUE' and return (CancelOperation) should be mentioned.

4. In the Applet User Property a new record with the following details should be created :
Name: Named Method: ShowPopup
Value: 'INVOKE', 'ShowPopup', 'IIF([Field Name] = "Value","Popup Applet A","Popup Applet B")', 'Edit List'

If the value of the field given in the Field Name matches with the value given in Value then the Popup Applet A will get invoked, otherwise Popup Applet B will get invoked. Both Popup Applets will get invoked in the Edit List mode.
Blogger Widgets