Thursday, April 16

Siebel Integration

Hi Readers, As promised I am starting with siebel integration basics. I believe this would be helpful for developers looking for Siebel integration knowledge.please provide your feedback and enjoy reading :)

1) What are the common patterns of siebel integration ?

- Peer Application Integration
- Consumer Of Services
- Alternate user interfaces

2) Example of converting data between siebel proprietary format and Industry standard format ?

- XML Documents

3) What is the strategy in which applications exchange data using explicit business processing ?

- Data Exchange

4) what are the key parts of XML ?

- XML Documents
- XML Schema Definition (XSD)
- XML namespaces

5) What is Integration Component key ?

-   Integration Component Key is a field or set of fields that uniquely identify a record being exchanged

6) How to describe External Integration Object ?

- External Integration Object is often described by an XSD or Document Type Definition file.

7)  What is Siebel Message ?

- Integration Object instances are referred as Siebel Messages

8) Explain about 'EAI Siebel Adapter' business service 'Update' method ?

-  Is used when external application knows the record exists
- Uses the user keys in the incoming message to locate the records to be updated

9) Explain about 'EAI XML Converter' business service ?

- Converts a Siebel Message to an XML String
- Converts an XML String to a Siebel Message

10)  What are the advantages of workflow policy invocation ?

- Offers a batch mode
- Can be checked at a set interval
- Executes asynchronously

11) What is Integration Workflow ?

- Integration Workflow assembles business services into a flow to access, convert and transport data.

12) Explain about 'session mode' of  'EAI HTTP Transport' business service ?

- Session persists longer than a single request 

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