From the application-level menu, Navigate to > Site Map > Administration - SmartScript > Scripts.
In the Scripts list, query to find the SmartScript you want to modify.
Click the Programs view tab.
From the Programs list, select Script_Open.
In the Program Language field, select eScript, and then click Save.
In the eScript form, use the script function SetQuestionEnable(false) to set the question to read-only. Verify that each read-only field has a SetQuestionEnable(false) statement attached to it.
In the Scripts list, query to find the SmartScript you want to modify.
Click the Programs view tab.
From the Programs list, select Script_Open.
In the Program Language field, select eScript, and then click Save.
In the eScript form, use the script function SetQuestionEnable(false) to set the question to read-only. Verify that each read-only field has a SetQuestionEnable(false) statement attached to it.