Friday, May 27

SQL query for unlocking BC in local database

There are times where siebel BC will be locked in the local database and you are not able to work on it,the reason for this is you have done a get of that object when the object is checkedout by some other user.

So now your requirement is to unlock the object,for this open your dbisqlc connecting to local database and run the below query

Ex:I am unlocking 'Account' BC in my local DB


Note: Don't forget to commit changes after you run the sql quey

Hope this helps someone

Tuesday, May 17

Invoking Task from Applet Button

Hi Readers,

There are requirements where you need to call the task from a button other than the regular method of invoking task from task pane.I have invoked using New button of an applet and thought of sharing this.

Go to applet >> Controls >> NewRecord control and select the HTML Type to 'MiniButton' and change the 'MethodInvoked' property to 'LaunchTask'.
Now go to Control user property for this button and create new record as follows

Name: Task Name
Value: Address Creation Task (Give the task name which you want to call from the button)

compile the changes and you are done :)

Why Applet fields Read Only in the TBUI

I was searching alot on the web to find "why all task applet fields are read only,even though applet is in edit mode and No Insert and read only properties are set to false",But unable to find some post that can resolve the issue.So I am posting this as this could help some one facing similar issue.

ISSUE: Applet fields Read Only in the TBUI

I was developing a Task which will insert an address record into S_ADDR_PER with the details provided by the user in task applets.these task applets are based on TBC.If you are not aware of TBC read the below definition.

A transient business component (TBC) is a type of business component whose records exist only during the lifetime of a task instance,Records are cleared when the task UI finishes or is canceled. If the task is paused, then the records remain in temporary storage.

There are four views in my task following by siebel operation step with 'Insert' method,so when user clicks the finish button on the final applet with summary of data, an address record will be created in S_ADDR_PER table.

This is all about what I have to do...I have created Task,Task Apples,Task Views,Task Group and TBC and everything looks fine...Also published and activated the task and added the task to my responsibility.

But I am not able to enter any data in the applet fields as all the fields are READ ONLY...There is no problem with applet template modes and read only properties.

After some research I found that the TBC I have created  as multi record TBC and the class mapped to this TBC is CSSBCTaskTransientBase.This is the problem all my applet fields are read only as the base class can not provide functionality to edit fields in tasks.

The TBC should be mapped to CSSBCTaskTransient only,I have changed the class now and my issue is solved :)

 Hope this helps :)

Siebel Upgrade: Communication Response Detail Applet Causing The Issue


After Upgrade when replying an inbound email message on Custom 'Comm Outbound Item Form Applet ' on Communication screen, click on cancel button gives following error:

[1] Kan business service 'eSet Parentemail status' niet aanmaken.(SBL-DAT-00227)
[2] Kan 'Class' met de naam 'Set Parentemail status' niet vinden. Dit object is niet actief of bestaat niet.(SBL-DAT-00144)

This is generic error that user can not cancel the reply functionality on Communication screen.

Solution From Siebel: There is one FR raised for this issue:

Instructions for FR 12-1RB07UI
Use the following procedure to implement this fix.

1 Import the file located in the siebsrvr\bin directory.
(This zip you will be able to find in your siebel 8 tools C:\Siebel\8.1\Tools_1\REPPATCH  .
This Zip file contain sifs files which need to import. Please find attached email where objects details are present)
2 Launch the dedicated client with the /editseeddata option.
3 Navigate to Application Admistration > Views.
4 Add a view called "Communication Detail View" with the following responsibilities:

■ Siebel Administrator
■ Call Center Administrator
■ eMail Response Agent
■ eMail Response Manager
■ Call Center Manager
■ Test Siebel Administrator

Please refer to "Instructions for FR 12-1RB07UI" from document "Siebel Maintenance Release Guide, Version 8.1.1.x (Doc ID 880452.1)"

Monday, May 16

Apply and Activate: Problem in Siebel 8 (Siebel Tools will hang)

I was getting strange issue when applying new column changes to my local DB,the siebel tools will hang and I need to kill the siebdev.exe.I was trying multiple times to apply schema changes to local DB but in vain, So I did some research and found that this is a bug in siebel8 and can be resolved using windows debugger tool.

When you are applying new column changes to your local DB,The siebel tools will hang and you need to kill the siebel tools (siebdev.exe) and to try again for applying changes and you may not succeed in your next attempt too.This is a bug in siebel 8 and here is the solution.

> Install the 'windows debugger' tool (dbg_x86_6.11.1.404.msi) >> I am unable to attach this here..get it from web and install.
> Go to All Programs > Debugging Tools for Windows (x86) > Cilick on WinDbg
> Once the tool is open Click File > Open executable > select siebel dev.exe and wait for a minute and go to Debug click on Go

> This will open your siebel tools and now you can successfully apply new column changes to local DB using APPLY and ACTIVATE buttons

NOTE: please make sure that you log-off from the local thick client and close dbisqlc before you click on APPLY and ACTIVATE button in siebel tools.

I am using this technique and able to apply schema changes to loal DB,Post your comments on this and let me know if you have other ways to achieve this :)

CancelQuery Dialog Box Disappeared after Siebel 8 upgrade


In Siebel 7.8 while doing query on records like Contact/Account/service request, there is Cancel Query Dialogue appears if query is taking time to retrieve. Advisor can click on cancel button and refine the query.

After Upgrade to Siebel 8 this Cancel Query Dialogue Box was not appearing and Customer wants to retrieve this feature.


In Siebel 7.8:

This Parameter was the part of Application cfg SWE section where we can set the value for it

In Siebel 8:

This is Part of Object Manager component Advance Parameter

The cancel query feature is enabled through the CancelQueryTimeOut parameter.

To enable the cancel query feature

1. Navigate to Administration - Server Configuration > Enterprises > Component Definitions.
2. Query for Corresponding Object Manager 
3. In Component Parameters,
Change the CancelQueryTimeOut parameter value :

where timeout is any integer of zero or greater.
For example, if CancelQueryTimeOut = 3, the cancel query dialog box appears if records are not
returned within 3 seconds.
NOTE: A timeout value of less than zero, for example, -1, disables the feature.
4. Restart the Siebel Server.
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