Friday, July 21

How to Clear the Integration Data Map cache in Siebel ?

Is it needed to clear the integration Data Map cache after making changes to it?

Yes, when we inactivate an Integration field mapping on integration data map (or any changes to data map) the changes will not reflect immediately and results in error when the interface is invoked.

To solve this we have to Clear the data map cache but there is no easy way of doing it like clicking the 'Clear Cache' button that we usually do clearing LOV values cache or Application data map cache.

Oracle did not provide 'Clear Cache' button so far at Administration > Integration > Data Maps however we can Clear the integration Data Map cache invoking EAI Vanilla business service as shown below

-  Create a workflow with 3 steps 1) Start 2) Business Service 3) End

Business Service: EAI Data Transformation Engine
Method:                 Purge
Input Argument:     MapName (Data Map name)

After developing and validating the workflow, simulate the workflow from Administration Business Service screen which would Clear the Data Map cache.

Hope this is useful for someone :)

Monday, July 10

Performance Issue on Employee Skills View

Querying Employee details on Employee Skills View Causing Performance Issue:

Reason: Product bug in IP 15.6 and can be resolved with PS 13

Thursday, April 16

Siebel Integration

Hi Readers, As promised I am starting with siebel integration basics. I believe this would be helpful for developers looking for Siebel integration knowledge.please provide your feedback and enjoy reading :)

1) What are the common patterns of siebel integration ?

- Peer Application Integration
- Consumer Of Services
- Alternate user interfaces

2) Example of converting data between siebel proprietary format and Industry standard format ?

- XML Documents

3) What is the strategy in which applications exchange data using explicit business processing ?

- Data Exchange

4) what are the key parts of XML ?

- XML Documents
- XML Schema Definition (XSD)
- XML namespaces

5) What is Integration Component key ?

-   Integration Component Key is a field or set of fields that uniquely identify a record being exchanged

6) How to describe External Integration Object ?

- External Integration Object is often described by an XSD or Document Type Definition file.

7)  What is Siebel Message ?

- Integration Object instances are referred as Siebel Messages

8) Explain about 'EAI Siebel Adapter' business service 'Update' method ?

-  Is used when external application knows the record exists
- Uses the user keys in the incoming message to locate the records to be updated

9) Explain about 'EAI XML Converter' business service ?

- Converts a Siebel Message to an XML String
- Converts an XML String to a Siebel Message

10)  What are the advantages of workflow policy invocation ?

- Offers a batch mode
- Can be checked at a set interval
- Executes asynchronously

11) What is Integration Workflow ?

- Integration Workflow assembles business services into a flow to access, convert and transport data.

12) Explain about 'session mode' of  'EAI HTTP Transport' business service ?

- Session persists longer than a single request 

Tuesday, March 3

Siebel Integration - Coming soon

Hi Readres,

I am going to post all about siebel integration from April, Stay tuned :)


Friday, April 13

How to change the font,size,color of the field / control caption

Hi All,Sometimes we need to change the properties of siebel applet controls and below is the solution


For the field for which we have to change the Font / Size / Color set the following HTML tags in the caption [string override] of the field properties.

1. "label style"
2. "span style"
3. "font face" & "color"
4. <b> & </b> to bold the text
5. font onmouseover & onmouseout
6. <br/> for line break in case of long captions


<label style="background-color:red">fieldname</label>
<span style="background-color: red">fieldname</span>
<font face="fontname" size=26 color=yellow>fieldname</font>
<font onmouseover="style.color='green'" onmouseout="style.color='red'">fieldname or controlname</font>
field<br/>name<br/>is too long

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