Is it needed to clear the
integration Data Map cache after making changes to it?
when we inactivate an Integration field mapping on integration data map (or any
changes to data map) the changes will not reflect immediately and results in
error when the interface is invoked.
To solve this we have to Clear the data map cache but there is no easy way of doing it like clicking the 'Clear Cache' button that we usually do clearing LOV values cache or Application data map cache.
Oracle did not provide 'Clear Cache' button so far at Administration > Integration > Data Maps however we can Clear the integration Data Map cache invoking EAI Vanilla business service as shown below
- Create a workflow with 3 steps 1) Start 2) Business Service 3) End
Business Service: EAI Data Transformation Engine
Input Argument: MapName (Data Map name)
After developing and validating the workflow, simulate the workflow from Administration Business Service screen which would Clear the Data Map cache.
Hope this is useful for someone :)